Songül Alcı, the manager of Trawellmed Hair Health and Hair Transplantation Clinic, whose information we consulted about the recent procedures for hair loss in women, said, “While women can find solutions to many problems with today's aesthetic solutions, the hair problem is still not fully resolved. Hair loss and the gradual enlargement of the hairline create unhappiness, especially in women. Losing weight with unconscious diets, hormonal problems, iron deficiency, pregnancy, city life, work stress, divorce, frequent hairdressing practices, frequent dyeing, excessive playing with their hair, clips attached due to hair extensions, hair added, hair is constantly exposed to trauma. As a result, it is more difficult for women than men to repair hair that is exposed to these traumas and damaged and sparseness.” she said.

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Hair lost in women cannot be replaced in most cases.

Songül Alcı stated that hair transplantation cannot be applied in every hair loss and said, “Every hair sparseness and every hair loss type may not be suitable for hair transplantation. Women can only have hair transplantation in cases of male pattern hair loss and post-menopausal hair loss or in cases such as scars in the hairy area. The first thing women should do if they have hair loss problems should be to consult a dermatologist. The cause of hair loss will be determined with a series of analyzes to be performed here, and a treatment plan will be followed by the doctors accordingly. Depending on the situation, patients may be referred to a dietitian, perhaps a gynecologist, or perhaps an endochronology department. Those who are suitable for hair transplantation will also be directed to hair transplantation clinics by a dermatologist. Those who are suitable candidates for hair transplantation, that is, those who have dense and healthy hair in the back area at the distance between the two ears, can have hair transplantation. These cases can achieve good results. Hair transplantation can now be done even when the hair is long. On the third day, you can wash your hair and go to work.” He spoke as

Stating that the first item in hair sparseness is to protect the existing hair, Gypsum said, “One of the most frequently performed procedures for second-stage sparseness is the procedures also known as hair pigmentation, hair effect or hair shading. This is a procedure that is applied to postpone hair transplantation in cases where hair transplantation is not considered and cannot be performed in both men and women. This process, which women are not very familiar with in eyebrow sparseness, lip coloring, eyeliner applications as permanent make-up, and which has a permanence of 3-5 years, makes it very comfortable.

No pain is felt during the procedure. Depending on the width of the sparse region, the process takes between 2-4 hours. Maybe it can be revisited when needed to increase permanence. Hair pigmentation, which has become a method often preferred by men, is the most popular treatment of recent times. An important detail should be underlined here. The brand of the paint you have pigmented is important, pigmentation and permanent make-up should not be applied everywhere.” made statements.